The Connors Center is thrilled to announce that we have been awarded a signature U54…

Request for Proposals for WHISPR 2020
Request for Research Proposals for
2020 Connors Center Women’s Health Interdisciplinary Stress Program of Research (WHISPR)
Investigating physiological and psychological stress in women’s health and disease
Sponsored by the Mary Horrigan Connors Center for Women’s Health and Gender Biology
Funding provided by the Gretchen S. Fish Fund for Women’s Health and Stress Research
The Connors Center for Women’s Health and Gender Biology is pleased to announce the 3rd annual request for proposals (RFP) from the Brigham and Women’s Hospital research community.
Established in January 2018, the goal of the Women’s Health Interdisciplinary Stress Program of Research (WHISPR) is to advance our understanding of how physiological and psychological stress affect women’s health and disease, and vice versa, by supporting pilot projects, facilitating interactions among WHISPR investigators and other stress researchers, and hosting an annual scientific symposium for the BWH academic community.
Please see the WHISPR 2020 Cover sheet, RFP, and budget template for more information.
Dates to remember:
Research Proposal Cover sheet due: February 3, 2020
Final Proposals due: February 18, 2020
Symposium and Finalists’ Pitch Presentations: April 9, 2020
For questions about the Connors Center Women’s Health Interdisciplinary Stress Program of Research (WHISPR) and associated funding opportunities, please contact Winnie Ng, Connors Center Project Manager,