The Connors Center is thrilled to announce that we have been awarded a signature U54…

Request for Research Proposals for IGNITE 2019
The Connors Center IGNITE Awards
Investigating female-specific or sex-differentiated effects in novel therapeutics
Funded by gifts made at the annual Women’s Health Luncheon and by other generous donors
The Connors Center is pleased to announce a request for research proposals (RFP) from the Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) research community for the IGNITE Awards, which advance understanding of female-specific and sex-differentiated effects in novel therapeutics (i.e., drugs, devices and digital innovations) for diseases that affect women exclusively, predominantly or differentially. IGNITE investigations are important components of the Connors Center’s emerging Precision Medicine Platform.
Two 1-year, $50,000 awards will be distributed. The award total is inclusive of indirect costs.
- October 1, 2019 – Letters of Intent Due
- December 5, 2019 – Full Proposals Due
- January 17, 2020 – Awards Announced
- February 1, 2020 – Earliest Award Start Date
Based on Letters of Intent (LOI), select applicants will be invited to submit full proposals for review. LOIs must be submitted electronically using the Research Proposal Cover Sheet and Letter of Intent Form by 12pm on October 1 to Winnie Ng, MPH, Connors Center Project Manager, at
Update: 2019 Applications are currently closed.