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SIRCTT Advisory Board

The SIRCTT Advisory Board consists of senior investigators across different MGB institutions. Currently, the board includes 16 advisory members.

The Mary Horrigan Connors Center for Women's Health

Hadine Joffe, MD, MSc

Executive Director, Connors Center for Women’s Health
Founder and Director, Women’s Hormones and Aging Research Program
Professor, Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

Primavera Spagnolo
Primavera Spagnolo, MD, PhD

Associate Director, Connors Center for Women’s Health
Director, Laboratory of Sex-Informed Translational Neuroscience
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

Holsen, Laura_7057-5x5 cropped
Laura Holsen, PhD, MS

Director, Research Training, Connors Center for Women’s Health
Division of Women’s Health, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Associate Professor, Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

Mass General Brigham

Seema Basu, PhD

Strategic Innovation Leader, Mass General Brigham Innovation

Steve Wiviott
Steve Wiviott, MD

Vice President, Clinical Trials Research and Administration, Mass General Brigham
Professor, Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Brigham and Women's Hospital

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Ursula Kaiser, MD

Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Hypertension, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Professor, Medicine, Harvard Medical School

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Kathryn Rexrode, MD, MPH

Chief Academic Officer, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Division of Women’s Health, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Professor, Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Mass General Hospital

Andrea Edlow cropped
Andrea Edlow, MD, MSc

Vice Chair of Research, OBGYN, Mass General Hospital
Associate Professor, OBGYN and Reproductive Biology, Harvard Medical School

jill goldstein
Jill Goldstein, PhD, MPH

Founder and Executive Director, ICON-X, Mass General Hospital
MGRI Chair, Women’s Health, Mass General Hospital
Professor, Psychiatry and Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Stephanie Seminara
Stephanie Seminara, MD

Chief, Reproductive Endocrine Unit, Mass General Hospital
Professor, Medicine, Harvard Medical School

McLean Hospital

staci gruber
Staci Gruber, PhD

Director, Cognitive and Clinical Neuroimaging Core
Director, MIND, McLean Hospital
Associate Professor, Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

Marisa Silveri
Marisa Silveri, PhD

Director, Neurodevelopmental Laboratory on Addictions and Mental Health, McLean Hospital
Associate Professor, Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

Jennifer Sneider cropped
Jennifer Sneider, PhD

Assistant Director, Neurodevelopmental Laboratory on Addictions & Mental Health, McLean Hospital
Assistant Professor, Psychology, Harvard Medical School

Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital

Fabrisia Ambrosio
Fabrisia Ambrosio, PhD, PT

Director, Musculoskeletal Recovery Center, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital
Associate Professor, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Harvard Medical School

Hirotaka Iijima cropped
Hirotaka Iijima, PhD, PT

Research Faculty, Discovery Center for Musculoskeletal Research, Spaulding
Assistant Professor, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Harvard Medical School

Mass Eye and Ear

Menglu Yang Headshot cropped
Menglu Yang, MD, PhD

Investigator, Schepens Eye Research Institute, Mass Eye and Ear
Instructor, Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School

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