“Migraine phenotypes and vasomotor symptoms across the menopausal transition”

“MKRN3 action on vasomotor symptoms in a menopausal mouse model”

“Deciphering the thermoregulatory response to estrogen decline during menopausal transition triggering vasomotor symptoms”

“Does sleep mediate relationships between environmental exposures and stress, mood, and wellbeing?”

“Neighborhood Vulnerability and Menopause and Cardiovascular Health in Midlife Women in Project Viva”

“Understanding Neural Mechanisms of Obesity in Women: The Role of Oxidative Stress and Relationship to Emotional Health”

“Time-restricted eating as a novel dietary intervention to improve sleep, mood and cardiovascular health in perimenopausal women”

“Reproductive risk factors for subjective cognitive decline in women”

ROSA Scholar
“Orexins as mediators of the effects of low estradiol on fragmented sleep and stress responses”

ROSA Associate Scholar
Jennifer Stuart, ScD
Division of Women’s Health
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
“Preeclampsia, mental health conditions, and cardiovascular health across the life course”

“Interaction between Gonadal Steroids and the Endocannabinoid System as a Novel Mechanism Underlying Dysregulated Stress Response in Aging Women”

“Deciphering the role of Tacr3POA neurons in the regulation of hot flushes in female mice”
Harvard Medical School
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health