Wednesday, January 15, 2025 | 12:00-1:00pm | Virtual | Registration Required Register Here Women’s Cardiovascular…
3/4/24- Connors-Division of Sleep Medicine Joint Sleep Grand Rounds
Monday, March 4th, 2024 | 12:00-1:00pm | The Bornstein Amphitheater and via Zoom
Improving Cardiometabolic Health Through Sleep
Marie-Pierre St-Onge, PhD, FAHA, CCSH
Associate Professor of Nutritional Medicine, Department of Medicine
Director, CUIMC Center of Excellence for Sleep & Circadian Research
Columbia University Irving Medical Center
About the Speaker:
Dr. St-Onge is the founding Director of the Center of Excellence for Sleep & Circadian Research at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. The overall focus of her research is the study of the impact of lifestyle, specifically sleep and diet, on cardio-metabolic risk factors. Dr. St-Onge has been NIH-funded since 2008, conducting innovative, cutting-edge clinical research combining her expertise on sleep, nutrition, and energy balance regulation to address questions related to the role of circadian rhythms, including sleep duration and timing as well as meal timing and eating patterns, on cardiometabolic risk. She has strong expertise in the conduct of controlled inpatient and outpatient studies of sleep and dietary manipulations. Dr. St-Onge was Center Director for the American Heart Association funded Go Red for Women Strategically Focused Research Center, aimed at determining the causality of the relation between sleep and cardiovascular disease and the specific role that sleep plays in the health of women throughout the life cycle. She is a pioneer in this field, having chaired the first scientific statements endorsed by the AHA on sleep and cardiometabolic health as well as meal timing and frequency and cardiovascular disease risk prevention. She is the recipient of an NHLBI Outstanding Investigator Award and a standing member of the Human Studies of Diabetes and Obesity Study Section at the NIH.