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ROSA Center Team Published in Menopause
Led by Lidia Minguez-Alarcon, PhD, MPH, a group of researchers within Project 2 of the ROSA center has been published in Menopause for work surrounding “Self-reported menstrual cycle length during reproductive years in relation to menopausal symptoms at midlife in Project Viva.” The team found that women with menstrual cycles of less than 25 days may experience higher frequency of menopause symptoms, including midlife sleep problems, heart discomfort, and depressive symptoms. Read the full press release here.
Within the ROSA Center, Project 2 studies “Physiologic and Social Stressors and Health during the Menopausal Transition” and is embedded in a longstanding cohort study led by Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare, Project Viva. This work will focus on physiological and social stressors during pregnancy as predictors to health measures as women reach mid-life. Read more about Project 2 and the ROSA Center.
Dr. Minguez is an Associate Scientist within the ROSA Center’s Career Enhancement Core and Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital as well as Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. Her research focuses on identifying chemical and non-chemical stressors of human fertility, reproductive and cardiometabolic health. She is also evaluating fertility measures as predictors of long-term health; you can read more about her work here. Dr. Minguez is also a 2022 WHISPR Awardee within the Connors Center.
The ROSA Center is supported through NIH Research Grant U54 AG062322 funded by The National Institute on Aging (NIA) and Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH). Learn more about the SCORE program on ORWH’s website.