Izzuddin Aris, PhD, ROSA Scholar
- “Pediatric Features of Genetic Predisposition to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome” J Clin Endocrinol Metab. January 2024.
- “Umbilical Cord Plasma Lysophospholipids and Triacylglycerols Associated with Birthweight Percentiles” Nutrients. January 2024.
- “Maternal Pre-Pregnancy BMI, Breastfeeding, and Child BMI” Pediatrics. January 2024.
- “First trimester plasma PER- AND Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and blood pressure trajectories across the second and third trimesters of pregnancy” Environment International. April 2024.
- “Birth outcomes in relation to neighborhood food access and individual food insecurity during pregnancy in the Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO)-wide cohort study” Am J Clin Nutr. May 2024.
- “Associations of Abnormal Maternal Glucose Regulation in Pregnancy with Offspring Adiposity, Insulin Resistance, and Adipokine Markers During Childhood and Adolescence” The Journal of Pediatrics. May 2024.
- “Metabolomic signatures for blood pressure from early to late adolescence: findings from a U.S. cohort” Metabolomics. May 2024.
- “Association between Age at First Birth and Long-Term Dental Caries Experience among Women in the United States” J Women’s Health (Larchmt). June 2024.
- “Prenatal metal exposures and kidney function in adolescence in Project Viva” Environ Health. October 2024.
- “History of Pregnancy Loss and Risk for Higher Midlife Blood Pressure in Parous Females” J Women’s Health. October 2024.
- “Neighborhood Food Access in Early Life and Trajectories of Child Body Mass Index and Obesity” JAMA Pediatr. November 2024.
Deborah Bartz, MD, MPH, Director of Education
- “Contraceptive content shared on social media: an analysis of Twitter” Contraception and reproductive medicine. February 2024.
- “Trauma-Informed Care Training in U.S. and Canadian Ob/Gyn Residencies” Violence Against Women. February 2024.
- “Equitable abortion care for patients with non-English language preference” Contraception. May 2024.
- “National Postpartum Permanent Contraception Practices and Perceived Barriers” Obstetrics and Gynecology. June 2024.
- ‘”Blessed Be the Fruit” – The Contemporary Rise of Pronatalism’ N Eng J Med. October 2024.
- “Social media as health educator: An assessment of the understandability and accuracy of tiktok content about contraception” Contracept Reprod Med. November 2024.
Behnood Bikdeli, MD, MS, Tynan Research Fellow, 2021 Specialized Cardiac & Vascular IGNITE Awardee
- “When Direct Oral Anticoagulants Should Not Be Standard Treatment: JACC State-of-the-Art Review” Journal of the American College of Cardiology. January 2024.
- “Low absolute risk of thrombotic and cardiovascular events in outpatient pregnant women with COVID-19” Thrombosis Research. May 2024.
- “Knowledge and raising awareness are the CURES for alleviating sex disparities in PE care” Thrombosis Research. November 2024.
- “Blood Loss in Women of Childbearing Potential Taking Oral Anticoagulants for Venous Thromboembolism (The BLEED Study)” Thromb Haemost. November 2024.
- “Validating International Classification of Diseases Code 10th Revision algorithms for accurate identification of pulmonary embolism” J Thromb Haemost. November 2024.
- “Sex differences in treatment strategies for pulmonary embolism in older adults: The SERIOUS-PE study of RIETE participants and US Medicare beneficiaries” Vasc Med. November 2024.
Marie Billaud, PhD, 2022 Specialized Cardiac & Vascular IGNITE Awardee
- “Only the strong “aorta” survives: the female edge in a mouse model of severe Marfan syndromes” Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. October 2024.
Jorge Chavarro, ScD, MD, ROSA Project 2 Co-Leader
- “Preconception Stress and Pregnancy Serum Glucose Levels Among Women Attending a Fertility Center” Journal of the Endocrine Society. January 2024.
- “History of Infertility and Midlife Cardiovascular Health in Female Individuals” JAMA Network Open. January 2024.
- “Timing and duration of dog walking and dog owner’s chronotype in relation to incident depression risk among middle to older-aged female nurses” PloS One. January 2024.
- “Reproductive risk factors across the female lifecourse and later metabolic health” Cell Metab. February 2024.
- “First trimester plasma PER- AND Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and blood pressure trajectories across the second and third trimesters of pregnancy” Environment International. April 2024.
- “Lifetime Duration of Breastfeeding and Cardiovascular Risk in Women With Type 2 Diabetes or a History of Gestational Diabetes: Findings From Two Large Prospective Cohorts” Diabetes Care. April 2024.
- “Trajectories of Mental Distress Among US Women by Sexual Orientation and Racialized Group During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic” Am J Public Health. May 2024.
- “BMI status and weight trajectories across females’ reproductive years and risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes: a prospective cohort study” Am J Clin Nutr. July 2024.
- “Associations of anti-Müllerian hormone levels among women in their mid-30s with menopausal symptoms ~14 years later” Menopause. June 2024.
- “Pet Attachment and Anxiety and Depression in Middle-Aged and Older Women” JAMA Network Open. August 2024.
- “Characterizing self-reported physical activity before and during a subsequent pregnancy among parents in a familial autism cohort” Autism. September 2024.
- “Early Pregnancy Plasma Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and Maternal Midlife Adiposity” J Clin Endocrinol Metab. September 2024.
- “Lifetime history of gestational diabetes and cognitive function in parous women in midlife” Diabetologica. September 2024.
- “History of infertility and anti-Müllerian hormone levels among participants in the Nurses’ Health Study II” Menopause. November 2024.
- “History of Pregnancy Loss and Risk for Higher Midlife Blood Pressure in Parous Females” J Women’s Health. October 2024.
- “Associations of AMH in mid-reproductive years with bone mineral density and turnover markers in mid-life” J Clin Endocrinol Metab. October 2024.
- “Endometriosis and uterine fibroids and risk of premature mortality: prospective cohort study” BMJ. November 2024.
Holly Crowe, PhD, MPH, 2023 ROSA Pilot Awardee
- “Bidirectional analysis of the association between migraine and post-traumatic stress disorder in Nurses’ Health Study II” Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. December 2024.
Natalie Feldman, MD, 2022-2024 Women’s Mental Health Fellow
- “Infant neurodevelopment during the COVID-19 pandemic: Associations with maternal pandemic-related experiences, parenting stress, and self-efficacy” Early Hum Dev. June 2024.
Alisa Goldberg, MD, MPH, Family Planning Fellowship Director
- “Spatial Disparities in Mifepristone Use for Early Miscarriage and Induced Abortion Among Obstetrician-Gynecologists Practicing in Massachusetts” Women’s Health Rep. October 2024.
- “Provision of medication and procedural abortion among Massachusetts obstetrician-gynecologists” Contraception. November 2024.
Irene Gonsalvez, MD, 2023 WHISPR Awardee
- “Prevalence of autoimmune diseases in functional neurological disorder: influence of psychiatric comorbidities and biological sex” J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. March 2024.
- “The effect of experimentally-induced sleep fragmentation and estradiol suppression on neurobehavioral performance and subjective sleepiness in pre-menopausal women” Sleep. June 2024.
Leilah Grant, PhD, Tynan Research Scientist
- “The effect of experimentally-induced sleep fragmentation and estradiol suppression on neurobehavioral performance and subjective sleepiness in pre-menopausal women” Sleep. June 2024.
Jessica Harder, MD, Martignetti Awardee
- “The effect of experimentally-induced sleep fragmentation and estradiol suppression on neurobehavioral performance and subjective sleepiness in pre-menopausal women” Sleep. June 2024.
Aditi Hazra, PhD, MPH, 2024 Gayle Brinkenhoff IGNITE Awardee
- “Awareness, Knowledge, and Treatment Patterns of Nonmetastatic Inflammatory Breast Cancer in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: The BRIDGES Study” JCO Glob Oncol. December 2024.
Laura Holsen, PhD, Director of Research Training
- “Acute stress increases striatal connectivity with cortical regions enriched for μ- and κ-opioid receptors” Biol Psychiatry. February 2024.
- “Lower region-specific gray matter volume in females with atypical anorexia nervosa and anorexia nervosa” Int J Eat Disord. April 2024.
- “Trajectory of ghrelin and PYY around a test meal in males and females with avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder versus healthy controls” Psychoneuroendocrinology. May 2024.
- “Effects of GABA, Sex, and Stress on Reward Learning in Current and Remitted Major Depression” Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging. June 2024.
- “Association of Lower Rostral Anterior Cingulate GABA+ and Dysregulated Cortisol Stress Response With Altered Functional Connectivity in Young Adults With Lifetime Depression: A Multimodal Imaging Investigation of Trait and State Effects” Am J Psychiatry. July 2024.
- “Divergent transcriptomic profiles in depressed individuals with hyper- and hypophagia implicating inflammatory status” Journal of Psychiatric Research. November 2024.
Hadine Joffe, MD, MSc, Executive Director
- “Promoting good mental health over the menopause transition” The Lancet. March 2024.
- “A Positive Psychology Intervention for Caregivers of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Survivors (PATH-C): Initial Testing and Single-Arm Pilot Trial” Transplantation and Cellular Therapy. April 2024.
- “The effect of experimentally-induced sleep fragmentation and estradiol suppression on neurobehavioral performance and subjective sleepiness in pre-menopausal women” Sleep. June 2024.
- “Depressive symptoms over the final menstrual period: Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation (SWAN)” J Affect Disord. December 2024.
- “What happens after menopause? (WHAM): Impact of risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy on depressive and anxiety symptoms at 24 month” Gynecol Oncol. November 2024.
- “A Pilot of Academic Coordination Improves Faculty Burnout and Enhances Support for the Academic Mission” Acad Psychiatry. November 2024.
- “Perceptions of a faculty-trainee group mentorship program, the mentorship families program, in a residency training program: results from a cross-sectional survey” BMC Med Educ. December 2024.
- “Incidence of patient-reported fatigue developing on palbociclib and endocrine therapy for advanced HR+ HER2- breast cancer” Oncologist. December 2024.
- “Top ten menopause research priorities” Lancet. December 2024.
Ursula Kaiser, MD, ROSA Project Co-Leader
- “The effect of experimentally-induced sleep fragmentation and estradiol suppression on neurobehavioral performance and subjective sleepiness in pre-menopausal women” Sleep. June 2024.
Sergey Karamnov, MD, 2024 WHISPR Awardee
- “Sex, Atrial Fibrillation, and Long-Term Mortality After Cardiac Surgery” JAMA Network Open. August 2024.
- “Prospective Study of Preoperative Negative Affect and Postoperative Pain in Patients Undergoing Thoracic Surgery: The Moderating Role of Sex” J Clin Med. September 2024.
Elizabeth Klerman, MD, PhD, ROSA Sleep Resource Core Leader
- “The effect of experimentally-induced sleep fragmentation and estradiol suppression on neurobehavioral performance and subjective sleepiness in pre-menopausal women” Sleep. June 2024.
Amanda Koire, MD, PhD, Connors Research Scientist
- “Prevalence of Community Perinatal Psychiatrists in the US” JAMA Network Open. August 2024.
Vesela Kovacheva, MD, 2021 IGNITE Awardee
- “Sex, Atrial Fibrillation, and Long-Term Mortality After Cardiac Surgery” JAMA Network Open. August 2024.
- “Deep survival analysis for interpretable time-varying prediction of preeclampsia risk” J Biomed Inform. August 2024.
- “Preeclampsia and eclampsia: Enhanced detection and treatment for morbidity reduction” Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol. November 2024.
Annie Lewis-O’Connor, PhD, NP-BC, MPH, FAAN, Leiden Fund Recipient
- “Trauma-Informed Care Training in U.S. and Canadian Ob/Gyn Residencies” Violence Against Women. February 2024.
- “Effectiveness of Trauma-Informed Care Implementation in Health Care Settings: Systematic Review of Reviews and Realist Synthesis” The Permanente Journal. March 2024.
- “Nurses’ Experience After First Wave of COVID-19: Implications for a Trauma-Informed Workforce” The Permanente Journal. March 2024.
- “Talking About Incarceration History: Engaging Patients and Healthcare Providers in Communication” J Gen Intern Med. October 2024.
- “The mental and behavioral health crisis in youth: Strategic solutions post COVID-19 pandemic: An American Academy of Nursing consensus paper” Nurs Outlook. October 2024.
- “Caring for trafficked patients in the emergency department: A call to action” Int Emerg Nurs. December 2024.
Cindy Liu, PhD, Director of Psychosocial Stress, Diversity, and Health
- “Prenatal mental health and emotional experiences during the pandemic: associations with infant neurodevelopment screening results” Pediatric Research. March 2024.
- “Infant neurodevelopment during the COVID-19 pandemic: Associations with maternal pandemic-related experiences, parenting stress, and self-efficacy” Early Hum Dev. June 2024.
- “Prevalence of Community Perinatal Psychiatrists in the US” JAMA Network Open. August 2024.
Shruthi Mahalingaiah, MD, 2022 BWH-MGB Collaborative IGNITE Awardee
- “First trimester plasma PER- AND Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and blood pressure trajectories across the second and third trimesters of pregnancy” Environment International. April 2024.
- “Inositol for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis to inform the 2023 update of the International Evidence-Based PCOS Guidelines” J Clin Endocrinol Metab. May 2024.
- “Phthalates and sex steroid hormones across the perimenopausal period: A longitudinal analysis of the Midlife Women’s Health Study” Environ Int. June 2024.
- “Polycystic ovary syndrome underdiagnosis patterns by individual-level and spatial social vulnerability measures” J Clin Endocrinol Metab. October 2024.
- “Early-life menstrual characteristics and gestational diabetes in a large US cohort” Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. November 2024.
Morteza Mahmoudi, PhD, MSc, 2019 IGNITE Awardee
- “Sex-specific nanomedicine- and biomaterials-based therapies of chronic wounds” Nature Reviews Bioengineering. March 2024.
JoAnn Manson, MD, DrPH, MACP, Scientific Advisor
- “Caregiving and all-cause mortality in postmenopausal women: Findings from the Women’s Health Initiative” J Am Geriatr Soc. January 2024.
- “Radon Exposure, Clonal Hematopoiesis, and Stroke Susceptibility in the Women’s Health Initiative” Neurology. January 2024.
- “Dietary Intervention Favorably Influences Physical Functioning: The Women’s Health Initiative Randomized Dietary Modification Trial” J Acad Nutr Diet. February 2024.
- “Effect of multivitamin-mineral supplementation versus placebo on cognitive function: results from the clinic subcohort of the COcoa Supplement and Multivitamin Outcomes Study (COSMOS) randomized clinical trial and meta-analysis of 3 cognitive studies within COSMOS” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. March 2024.
- “Individual and Neighborhood-level Socioeconomic Status and Somatic Mutations Associated With Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality: A Cross-Sectional Analysis in the Women’s Health Initiative” Women’s Health Issues. March 2024.
- “Long-Term Effect of Randomization to Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation on Health in Older Women : Postintervention Follow-up of a Randomized Clinical Trial” Ann Intern Med. March 2024.
- “Longitudinal Associations Between Optimism and Objective Measures of Physical Functioning in Women” JAMA Psychiatry. March 2024.
- “Heart Failure Risk Among African-American Women With an ICAM1 Missense Variant” JACC Heart Fail. March 2024.
- “Long-Term Effect of Randomization to Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation on Health in Older Women : Postintervention Follow-up of a Randomized Clinical Trial” Ann Intern Med. April 2024.
- “Lifetime Duration of Breastfeeding and Cardiovascular Risk in Women With Type 2 Diabetes or a History of Gestational Diabetes: Findings From Two Large Prospective Cohorts” Diabetes Care. April 2024.
- “Longitudinal Associations Between Optimism and Objective Measures of Physical Functioning in Women” JAMA Psychiatry. May 2024.
- “The Women’s Health Initiative Randomized Trials and Clinical Practice: A Review” JAMA. May 2024.
- “Advancing menopausal care: the importance of evidence on hormone therapy use and outcomes in women age 65 and older” Menopause. May 2024.
- “Plasma oxysterols are associated with serum lipids and dementia risk in older women” Alzheimer’s Dement. May 2024.
- “Randomized trials of estrogen-alone and breast cancer incidence: a meta-analysis” Breast Cancer Res Treat. July 2024.
- “Effects of moderate/vigorous activity on 3-year body composition changes in postmenopausal women: a target trial emulation” Am J Epidemiol. July 2024.
- “Cocoa flavanol supplementation and incident atrial fibrillation in the COSMOS trial” Eur J Prev Cardiol. July 2024.
- “Associations of social determinants of health with life expectancy and future health risks among individuals with type 2 diabetes: two nationwide cohort studies in the UK and USA” Lancet Healthy Longev. August 2024.
- “The association between reproductive history and abdominal adipose tissue among postmenopausal women: results from the Women’s Health Initiative” Hum Reprod. August 2024.
- “Life’s Essential 8 and Incident Cardiovascular Disease in U.S. Women With Breast Cancer” JACC CardioOncol. August 2024.
- “Integration of epidemiological and blood biomarker analysis links haem iron intake to increased type 2 diabetes risk” Nat Metab. September 2024.
- “Plasma Levels of Polyols Erythritol, Mannitol, and Sorbitol and Incident Coronary Heart Disease Among Women” Eur J Prev Cardiol. September 2024.
- “Recent Trends in Menopausal Hormone Therapy Use in the US: Insights, Disparities, and Implications for Practice” JAMA Health Forum. September 2024.
- “Breast cancer incidence and mortality by metabolic syndrome and obesity: The Women’s Health Initiative” Cancer. September 2024.
- “Discovering the direct relations between nutrients and epigenetic ageing” J Nutr Health Aging. September 2024.
- “Ultra-processed foods and cardiovascular disease: analysis of three large US prospective cohorts and a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies” Lancet Reg Health Am. September 2024.
- “Risk factors for long COVID syndrome in postmenopausal women with previously reported diagnosis of COVID-19” Ann Epidemiol. October 2024.
- “Rare variant contribution to the heritability of coronary artery disease” Nat Commun. October 2024.
- “Associations between birthweight and preterm birth and the ages at menarche and menopause” BMC Womens Health. October 2024.
- “Modifiable lifestyle factors in the primordial prevention of hypertension in three US cohorts” Eur J Intern Med. November 2024.
- “Effects of healthy low-carbohydrate diet and time-restricted eating on weight and gut microbiome in adults with overweight or obesity: Feeding RCT” Cell Rep Med. November 2024.
- “Proteomic Signature of BMI and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease” Clin Chem. December 2024.
Le Min, MD, PhD, 2019 WHISPR Awardee
- “Association between pembrolizumab-related thyroid adverse events and outcomes in early-stage triple-negative breast cancer patients” Endocr Relat Cancer. October 2024.
Lidia Minguez-Alarcon, PHD, 2022 WHISPR Awardee
- “Preconception Stress and Pregnancy Serum Glucose Levels Among Women Attending a Fertility Center” Journal of the Endocrine Society. January 2024.
- “BMI status and weight trajectories across females’ reproductive years and risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes: a prospective cohort study” Am J Clin Nutr. July 2024.
Leena Mittal, MD, Women’s Mental Health Fellowship Director
- “Prenatal mental health and emotional experiences during the pandemic: associations with infant neurodevelopment screening results” Pediatric Research. March 2024.
- “Infant neurodevelopment during the COVID-19 pandemic: Associations with maternal pandemic-related experiences, parenting stress, and self-efficacy” Early Hum Dev. June 2024.
Margo Nathan, MD, 2020 WHISPR Awardee
- “The effect of experimentally-induced sleep fragmentation and estradiol suppression on neurobehavioral performance and subjective sleepiness in pre-menopausal women” Sleep. June 2024.
Sara Neill, MD, 2019-2021 Complex Family Planning Fellow
- “General Surgeons and Abortion: An Opportunity to Advocate for our Patients and Colleagues” Annals of Surgery. February 2024.
- “Spatial Disparities in Mifepristone Use for Early Miscarriage and Induced Abortion Among Obstetrician-Gynecologists Practicing in Massachusetts” Women’s Health Rep. October 2024.
Michelle O’Donoghue, MD, MPH, WHAM! Research Awardee
- “Sex differences in treatment strategies for pulmonary embolism in older adults: The SERIOUS-PE study of RIETE participants and US Medicare beneficiaries” Vasc Med. November 2024.
Emily Oken, MD, MPH, ROSA Project Co-Leader
- “History of Infertility and Midlife Cardiovascular Health in Female Individuals” JAMA Network Open. January 2024.
- “Reproductive risk factors across the female lifecourse and later metabolic health” Cell Metab. February 2024.
- “Nurses’ use of ‘wellness’ supplements during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States” J Adv Nurs. March 2024.
- “Associations of gestational weight gain with the long-term postpartum weight gain, body mass index, waist circumference and abdominal obesity: A 27-year prospective cohort study” Obes Res Clin Pract. March 2024.
- “First trimester plasma PER- AND Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and blood pressure trajectories across the second and third trimesters of pregnancy” Environment International. April 2024.
- “Perinatal inflammation, fetal growth restriction, and long-term neurodevelopmental impairment in Bangladesh” Pediatr Res. April 2024.
- “Birth outcomes in relation to neighborhood food access and individual food insecurity during pregnancy in the Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO)-wide cohort study” Am J Clin Nutr. May 2024.
- “Risk Factors for Thyroid Dysfunction in Pregnancy: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis” Thyroid. May 2024.
- “Associations of Abnormal Maternal Glucose Regulation in Pregnancy with Offspring Adiposity, Insulin Resistance, and Adipokine Markers During Childhood and Adolescence” The Journal of Pediatrics. May 2024.
- “Metabolomic signatures for blood pressure from early to late adolescence: findings from a U.S. cohort” Metabolomics. May 2024.
- “Associations of anti-Müllerian hormone levels among women in their mid-30s with menopausal symptoms ~14 years later” Menopause. June 2024.
- “Early Pregnancy Plasma Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and Maternal Midlife Adiposity” J Clin Endocrinol Metab. September 2024.
- “Lifetime history of gestational diabetes and cognitive function in parous women in midlife” Diabetologica. September 2024.
- “Prenatal metal exposures and kidney function in adolescence in Project Viva” Environ Health. October 2024.
- “History of Pregnancy Loss and Risk for Higher Midlife Blood Pressure in Parous Females” J Women’s Health. October 2024.
- “Associations of AMH in mid-reproductive years with bone mineral density and turnover markers in mid-life” J Clin Endocrinol Metab. October 2024
- “Neighborhood Food Access in Early Life and Trajectories of Child Body Mass Index and Obesity” JAMA Pediatr. November 2024.
Rose Olson, MD, Global Women’s Health Fellow
- “Age-specific Patterns of Intimate Partner Violence Related Injuries in US Emergency Departments” J Adolesc Health. June 2024.
Maria Pabon, MD, First.In.Women Fellow
- “Coronary Microvascular Function Following Severe Preeclampsia” Hypertension. June 2024.
- “Sex differences in cardiac structure and function following acute myocardial infarction: Insights from the PARADISE-MI echocardiographic substudy” Eur J Heart Fail. September 2024.
- “Beyond reproductive health: the cardiovascular risks of endometriosis” European Heart Journal. October 2024.
Lydia Pace, MD, MPH, Director of Women’s Health Policy and Advocacy and the Global Women’s Health Fellowship
- “New Recommendations for Breast Cancer Screening-In Pursuit of Health Equity” JAMA Network Open. April 2024.
- “Evaluation of Financial Interventions in Breast Cancer Care Worldwide: A Systematic Review” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Global Open. May 2024.
- “How Payers Can Improve Care After Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes” JAMA Health Forum. August 2024.
Alexandra Purdue-Smithe, PhD, 2022 ROSA Pilot Awardee
- “Lifetime history of gestational diabetes and cognitive function in parous women in midlife” Diabetologica. September 2024.
- “Bidirectional analysis of the association between migraine and post-traumatic stress disorder in Nurses’ Health Study II” Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. December 2024.
Shadab Rahman, PhD, MPH, 2023 Connors Center IGNITE Awardee
- “The effect of experimentally-induced sleep fragmentation and estradiol suppression on neurobehavioral performance and subjective sleepiness in pre-menopausal women” Sleep. June 2024.
- “Incidence of patient-reported fatigue developing on palbociclib and endocrine therapy for advanced HR+ HER2- breast cancer” Oncologist. December 202
Kavitha Ranganathan, MD, 2021-2022 Global Women’s Health Fellow
- “Evaluation of Financial Interventions in Breast Cancer Care Worldwide: A Systematic Review” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Global Open. May 2024.
Kathryn Rexrode, MD, ROSA Career Enhancement Core Co-Leader
- “Preconception Stress and Pregnancy Serum Glucose Levels Among Women Attending a Fertility Center” Journal of the Endocrine Society. January 2024.
- “Laparoscopically confirmed endometriosis and anti-Müllerian hormone levels: Findings from the Nurses’ Health Study II” Maturitas. May 2024.
- “Plasma Levels of Polyols Erythritol, Mannitol, and Sorbitol and Incident Coronary Heart Disease Among Women” Eur J Prev Cardiol. September 2024.
- “Beyond reproductive health: the cardiovascular risks of endometriosis” European Heart Journal. October 2024.
- “Endometriosis and uterine fibroids and risk of premature mortality: prospective cohort study” BMJ. November 2024.
- “Bidirectional analysis of the association between migraine and post-traumatic stress disorder in Nurses’ Health Study II” Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. December 2024.
Janet Rich-Edwards, ScD, MPH, Director of Lifecourse Epidemiology
- “Weight development from childhood to motherhood-embodied experiences in women with pre-pregnancy obesity: a qualitative study” Reprod Health. January 2024.
- “What twin pregnancies may tell us about associations of fertility and adverse pregnancy outcomes with long-term maternal health” Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. March 2024.
- “Nurses’ use of ‘wellness’ supplements during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States” J Adv Nurs. March 2024.
- “Accuracy of Maternal Self-Report of Recent Preeclampsia among Healthy Women” Journal of Women’s Health. March 2024.
- “Association of age at menarche, reproductive lifespan and age at menopause with the risk of atrial fibrillation: The HUNT study” Maturitas. July 2024.
- “BMI status and weight trajectories across females’ reproductive years and risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes: a prospective cohort study” Am J Clin Nutr. July 2024.
- “Navigating weight, risk and lifestyle conversations in maternity care: a qualitative study among pregnant women with obesity” BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. August 2024.
- “History of infertility and anti-Müllerian hormone levels among participants in the Nurses’ Health Study II” Menopause. November 2024.
- “Endometriosis and uterine fibroids and risk of premature mortality: prospective cohort study” BMJ. November 2024.
- “The role of neighborhood on preterm birth among a high-risk group of birthing people in Boston, MA” BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. November 2024.
- “Bidirectional analysis of the association between migraine and post-traumatic stress disorder in Nurses’ Health Study II” Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. December 2024.
Naoko Sasamoto, MD, Ovarian Cancer Fund Recipient
- “Plasma proteins and persistent postsurgical pelvic pain among adolescents and young adults with endometriosis” Am J Obstet Gynecol. March 2024.
- “Subgroups of pelvic pain are differentially associated with endometriosis and inflammatory comorbidities: a latent class analysis” Pain. April 2024.
- “Endometriosis and Sjögren’s syndrome: Bidirectional associations in population‐based 15‐year retrospective cohorts” Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. July 2024.
- “Immunological and molecular features of the tumor microenvironment of long-term survivors of ovarian cancer” J Clin Invest. October 2024.
Primavera A Spagnolo, MD, PhD, Associate Director, Scientific Director, First.In.Women
- “Prevalence of autoimmune diseases in functional neurological disorder: influence of psychiatric comorbidities and biological sex” J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. March 2024.
- “Sex differences in treatment strategies for pulmonary embolism in older adults: The SERIOUS-PE study of RIETE participants and US Medicare beneficiaries” Vasc Med. November 2024.
Jennifer Stuart, ScD, ROSA Scientist, 2020 WHISPR Awardee
- “Accuracy of Maternal Self-Report of Recent Preeclampsia among Healthy Women” Journal of Women’s Health. March 2024.
- “How Payers Can Improve Care After Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes” JAMA Health Forum. August 2024.
Kathryn Terry, ScD, Ovarian Cancer Fund Recipient
- “Plasma proteins and persistent postsurgical pelvic pain among adolescents and young adults with endometriosis” Am J Obstet Gynecol. March 2024.
- “Subgroups of pelvic pain are differentially associated with endometriosis and inflammatory comorbidities: a latent class analysis” Pain. April 2024.
- “Racial and ethnic differences in epithelial ovarian cancer risk: an analysis from the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium” Am J Epidemiol. September 2024.
- “Immunological and molecular features of the tumor microenvironment of long-term survivors of ovarian cancer” J Clin Invest. October 2024.
- “Endometriosis and uterine fibroids and risk of premature mortality: prospective cohort study” BMJ. November 2024.
- “Endometriosis and Ovarian Cancer” JAMA. December 2024.
Polina Teslyar, MD, Women’s Mental Health Fellowship Director
- “Prevalence of Community Perinatal Psychiatrists in the US” JAMA Network Open. August 2024.
Paula Voinescu, MD, 2023 Casey Toolin McAuliffe Memorial IGNITE Awardee
- “Behavioral Outcomes and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Among Children of Women With Epilepsy” JAMA Neurology. January 2024.
- “When Pregnancy Becomes an Inclusion Criterion in Neuroscience Research” JAMA Neurology. January 2024.
- “Association of Prenatal Exposure to Antiseizure Medications With Creative and Executive Function at Age 4.5 Years” Neurology. June 2024.
Wendy Wang, MD, First.In.Women Fellow
- “Coronary Microvascular Function Following Severe Preeclampsia” Hypertension. June 2024.
- “Sex differences in cardiac structure and function following acute myocardial infarction: Insights from the PARADISE-MI echocardiographic substudy” Eur J Heart Fail. September 2024.
- “Beyond reproductive health: the cardiovascular risks of endometriosis” European Heart Journal. October 2024.
- “Relationship Between Cardiac Structure and Function With Renal Function Trajectory and Outcomes in Patients With Heart Failure: Insights From the PARAGON-HF Trial” Circ Heart Fail. October 2024.
Aleta Wiley, MPH, MSc, Director of Research Program Management
- “The effect of experimentally-induced sleep fragmentation and estradiol suppression on neurobehavioral performance and subjective sleepiness in pre-menopausal women” Sleep. June 2024.
- “Incidence of patient-reported fatigue developing on palbociclib and endocrine therapy for advanced HR+ HER2- breast cancer” Oncologist. December 202