More Women Than Men are Dying of Coronavirus in Massachusetts. Why is that?
Rebecca Ostriker, Boston Globe
Rebecca Ostriker, Boston Globe
Connors Center Executive Director Hadine Joffe, MD, MSc moderated a session for the virtual World Medical Innovation Forum, titled "Digital Therapeutics: Current and Future Opportunities" which focused on the use of digital therapeutics during COVID-19 and how it will impact…
Melissa H. Laitner, PhD, MPH, Society for Women's Health Research
Spagnolo, P., Manson, J., Joffe, H. Annals of Internal Medicine
Lucy Erickson, PhD, Society of Women's Health Research
Susan Blumenthal, Rear Admiral, MD, MPA CNN
Bird, C., Frank, L., Dick, A., Zaber, M., Quigley, D., Jayasuriya, A. The Rand Corporation
Bayefsky, M., Bartz, D., Watson, K. The New England Journal of Medicine
Roni Caryn Rabin The New York Times