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3/3/25- Connors-Division of Sleep Medicine Joint Sleep Grand Rounds

Monday, March 3rd, 2025   |   12:00-1:00pm   |   The Bornstein Amphitheater and via Zoom

Sleep Health and Urban Stress in Young Adult African American Men and Women

Thomas A. Mellman, MD

Director, Stress/Sleep Studies Programs, and Codirector, Clinical Trials
Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Howard University College of Medicine

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About the Speaker:
Thomas A. Mellman, MD, is Professor of Psychiatry and co-Director of the Clinical Trials Program at Howard University. He is mPI for a clinical translational science award and PI for a series of RO1 grants investigating the impact of stress on sleep and cardiovascular health. He has participated in multiple industry sponsored trials.
Dr. Mellman has numerous publications, many of which relate to relationships between sleep, PTSD, and cardiovascular health. He has contributed to treatment guidelines regarding pharmacological treatments for PTSD and has served on multiple review committees. Dr. Mellman has a consistent track record of mentoring junior investigators and interdisciplinary collaboration.

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